
The Healing World of Sound

The Healing World of Sound

"Come with an open mind and an open heart into the world of sound"

Debra, Padmani Akal Kaur, of Sedona will be your guide to travel within & surrender to the sounds that will assist you in your healing journey.

Crystal singing bowls, gong & other instruments create certain frequencies  for transformation, release and expansion within your body.


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to Sep 15

Anatomy of Trauma: Weekend Immersion

Anatomy of Trauma: Weekend Immersion

An immersion into the understanding of Trauma within several levels of awareness, mindfulness, being present in the body and mind. Using Buddhist principles, yin yoga asana, neuro cognitive functions and embracing “a life lived in awareness.”


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Sound Journey

Sound Journey

Surrender to a spiritual symphony of sacred sounds for your mind, body & soul. Debra provides you with heartfelt service assisting you on your healing path.

Dharamsala Traverse City Michigan

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The Sacred Art of Dreaming  - Online Transformational Course

The Sacred Art of Dreaming - Online Transformational Course

Dreamwork supports you to manifest your authentic and most fully expressed self. Learning to intentionally work with your dreams will uplift all aspects of your life: career, health, relationships. The Sacred Art of Dreaming will help you to manifest your greatest goals and aspirations with greater ease and clarity. This workshop is comprised of 9 online sessions.

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Sound Healing Journey

Sound Healing Journey

Debra will lovingly assist you with the sacred sounds of the Alchemy crystal singing bowls and other sound instruments to achieve a state of peace. You will be laying down supported by bolsters & blankets as you travel into a deep meditative state of mind. This is the time to be present & open, releasing what no longer serves, and planting the seeds of intention for new creation and manifestation. These sounds produce specific frequencies that assist in reducing anxiety, promoting better sleep habits and improving general well-being at the cellular level.

Tickets here.

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Yin Yoga & Sound Bath

Yin Yoga & Sound Bath

The Spring season offers opportunity for new growth and manifestations after the hibernation of Winter. In this 90-minute workshop Debra and Ethan will create a safe container informed by their studies in Yin Yoga and Sound to help you clear stuck energy that may be blocking new seeds to germinate and grow in your life.

Book your tickets here.

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Full Moon Sound Bath

Full Moon Sound Bath

April’s full moon is in the sign of Libra and urges us to strike a balance between meeting our personal needs and attending to the needs of a significant other or close relationship. The gifts and wisdom inside each of us is shared, recognized, and celebrated. Tap deeply into the wisdom of the Full Moon and your own soul’s wisdom. As part of this month’s full moon ceremony, Debra will lovingly assist you with the sacred sounds of the Alchemy crystal singing bowls and other sound instruments to achieve a state of peace. You will be laying down supported by bolsters & blankets as you travel into a deep meditative state of mind. This is the time to be present & open, releasing what no longer serves, and planting the seeds of intention for new creation and manifestation. These sounds produce specific frequencies that assist in reducing anxiety, promoting better sleep habits and improving general well-being at the cellular level. This full moon experience is open to ALL.

Book your tickets here.

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Wondering Within

Thoughts & introspections

A blog of sorts

There is an expansiveness in moments of solitude and Sadhana (a regular spiritual practice). 

When I allow myself these moments, an internal shift may occur. It is often subtle so as not to be recognized until an interaction happens. It is then that I observe that my response is different. I celebrate this internal shifting.

Sound sessions are helpful in navigating these shifts.

I am finding that the more I play I become attuned to certain sounds in a deeper way. I am humbled by the profound power of sound.


May Sound Soothe Your Soul

May Sound Soothe Your Soul