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Winter Solstice Ceremony

Deepen your inner peace & healing through the power of Sound & Reiki. Mimic the pace of nature, this is the season to slow down, go within & be open to receive what you need to intentionally move forward in your life.

The ceremony will be followed by tea & conversation so bring your favorite mug (paper cups are also available).

Debra, Padmani Akal Kaur, shares her intuitive gifts of vibrational healing through the frequencies of the Alchemy crystal singing bowls, Gong & other instruments.  She is  trained in Sound Healing, Yin & Restorative Yoga, Reiki, Shamangelic Breathwork & tuning forks.

Sarah Marie McCabe is a certified LMT, Ayurvedic health coach, Reiki Energy Healer & Yoga teacher. She brings a multidimensional approach from her lineage of Medicine Women & weaves together her studies in multiple cultures & healing modalities.

October 20

Yin Yoga & Sound

February 11

The Sacred Art of Dreaming - Online Transformational Course