I am a certified sound facilitator trained in Yin and Restorative yoga, Tuning Forks, Reiki and Shamangelic Breathwork.

Intuition always guides me in my delivery of sound. It is pure joy to play specific frequencies to assist you on your healing journey. I offer sound baths through public events, individual/small group sessions and retreats.

Harmonious gatherings, synchronistic experiences and educational experiences help me to continue to develop my skills to be of service to others.

Debra’s Story

In July of 2003, My husband and I were involved in a life altering motorcycle accident. The motorcycle hit a deer while driving 60 miles an hour. Moments before the accident, my angelic guides told me that I would be in a motorcycle accident, I would not be seriously hurt and that the accident was not meant for me. Upon impact I flew ten feet into the air and was knocked unconscious. When I was airborne I felt as if angelic, fairy like beings were joyfully carrying me, gently and lovingly lowering me to the ground. After being brought to the hospital the ER doctors couldn’t find anything physically wrong with us except for some serious road rash and we were released later that night. 

From this transformational experience I became more in tune with the messages from my divine guides. Even though I did not suffer physically from the accident, I suffered emotionally and developed PTSD symptoms. Ultimately, my intuition led me to Sedona where I continued my exploration and journey with meditation, crystals and yoga. I dove deeper into alternative healing modalities; crystal singing bowls, Kundalini yoga, acupuncture and naturopathic medicine. 

As I continued to discover new methods of healing, I was intuitively called to travel with a group of yogis to Columbia to spend time with the indigenous Kogi tribe of the Sierra Nevada. This trip was the beginning of finding my spiritual ancestral lineage.

As a part of a fundraiser to support the Kogi tribe I acquired a set of classic crystal singing bowls. My first experience playing the bowls revealed an otherworldly connection and over time my PTSD symptoms began to subside. I received a certification in Sound Healing after years of playing and refining my techniques. This journey profoundly inspired me to share the benefits of sound healing with those who are intuitively drawn to me. 

Are you open to surrendering to frequencies that will help you on your healing journey?